To Our Precious, Little Baby Girl...

The hope for this blog is that we get to share with our daughter-to-be, family, and friends what is going on in our lives as we start getting prepared for her BIG DAY and arrival outside of the belly! It'll be a no-holds-barred attempt at our new experiences, challenges, and day-to-day life while our little "bun in the oven" continues to bake. At some point, we hope this will be a loving story for you, little girl, to look back on and hopefully will also be entertaining and educational to read! We love you, little monkey, and are so blessed to have you growing stronger and stronger every day! Love, Mom and Dad

Thursday, December 16, 2010

"There’s One Good Thing About Snow, It Makes Your Lawn Look As Nice As Your Neighbor’s."

~Clyde Moore

Now that we are in our "rainy" season (it probably would be snow if we didn't live in the valley, where it is warm compared to other parts of the northern half of the country), I am reminded how grateful I am to not have to leave early to defrost my windshield, scrape my windows, shovel myself out of the driveway, or plan for an extra amount of time to get to work due to the slippery conditions of the roads. With that said, I am surprised how many people here fail to lack the ability to drive a normal speed in the rain or fog. Coming from me, that is actually saying a lot, because I am a self proclaimed, "Grandma driver." I am totally okay with this label and feel proud to say that although I go the speed limit, I don't dart in and out of traffic, I don't set my cruise control a few mph above the speed limit (just because), I drive the speed limit and am proud to be a law-abiding citizen and a "safe driver" by all predetermined and widely-accepted standards. Today it was gloriously sunny and clear, at least by our house. The Sierras looked majestic and picture-worthy in the east and there was the horrible smell of the nearby rendering plant that I was trying to ignore due to the picturesque setting. As I drove south to go to work, however, the smell got stronger and I was quickly enveloped in a thick blanket of fog. Upon which my fourteen mile ride into work turned into a tour of local cars and drivers who didn't know how to handle foggy conditions. I must have seen half a dozen or more cars on the side of the road, no visible vehicular issues except for the simple fact that the dense fog seemed too overwhelming for the drivers. So sad! These people would never survive living in a place like Wisconsin where there actually ARE many days a year where I would consider the roads "TREACHEROUS." It just makes me shake my head and pity people who are so easily distracted by the weather to safely get from point A to point B. (I know I started off this blog talking about the beautiful weather-for those of you NOT familiar with the Sacramento area, Elk Grove is consistently plagued by fog...)

Even though the weather was supposed to be ideal today, there was a store I needed to hit up close to Tony's work and my nanny schedule today allowed for the luxury of driving my husband to, Tony had another day "off" of his motorcycle. I actually enjoy spending some time with him in the car...again, I think it's because I have his undivided attention. After dropping my man off at his job, I stopped at the 99cent store that I had checked out while waiting for him the other night. I ended up getting some packaging tape, scotch tape, scrapbooking tape, ornaments (for an art project), and air freshener. And yes, before you go asking...yes, I ADMIT that I do have a fascination with tape. I came home expecting to be able to switch the load of laundry that I had started before we left in the morning, but it was surprisingly running really slow, as it continued to do all day-I pray something is not wrong with our washing machine as it is only 2 years old and is a nice one. I'm hoping I just pushed the wrong setting and that is why it was taking epically long to run it's normal cycle. I guess I need to keep an eye on it next week (I only do laundry once a week) and see if I run into the same problems again.

I had a nice morning and afternoon with the boys, although M wanted a lot of extra loving and cuddles today because he wasn't feeling the best after all of his shots he got yesterday. He had had a rough night and tough morning. Luckily he was able to nap and eat a normal amount so that I could also spend time with J, do some vacuuming, make lasagna for the family, re-do a Christmas project with M that I had broken when trying to wrap it up, and run some laundry. After work, I came home to find a mailbox full of fun snail mail. NO JUNK-HOORAY! There were EIGHT Christmas cards and a letter from our life insurance company saying we had a refund coming our way. What a nice treat!

I thawed out some chicken for dinner, finished running our laundry through the dryer and put all the clothes away. Played Wheel of Fortune on the computer and watched a movie while adding the finishing touches onto M's re-done Christmas gift for his parents, and caught up on computer tasks and writing in my belly book. Today was the LAST DAY of week 37...meaning...only 2 more weeks until Peyton's due date! Can't wait! Last night was full of about a dozen Braxton Hicks throughout the night...again, not painful (knock on wood) but definitely woke me up each time. I was curious if the fact that both times I got Braxton Hicks (a few nights back and last night) had anything to foretell the fact that I would go into REAL labor contractions in the middle of the night. My Facebook mom friends tell me the two are not related whatsoever. Oh well. I just hope it means she's getting ready to come outta there!

Tony's mom and I talked today and she was happy (and surprised) to report that she qualified for unemployment (not only that, but she actually gets a decent weekly check with it that will cover all of her bills, rent, and other expenses). I think this is the best news, as it will allow her the freedom to not take the first job she finds, but to actually find something that makes her happy, to be choosy, and to consider a switch in fields. Hopefully she sees this as a sign and an opportunity to find something that is a good fit for her and to reassure her that things will work out and there is a reason for everything. Thank you all who kept her in your thoughts and prayers this last week-she seems to be rebounding better and her attitude is picking up! We really appreciate all the love you are sending her way!

Tried for the FIFTH day in a row to get my brother on the phone-I know that in a normal circumstance, me blogging about someone's inability to answer the phone MAY result in them feeling guilted into actually returning a phone call, but I am under NO disillusionment that my brother reads my blog or cares about the humility I am passively sending his way. I simply want to confirm that he got the Secret Santa package Tony sent him BEFORE he leaves for Wisconsin Saturday morning (to which it means he will not get his package until after he comes home and also means that the package will sit out in the open for over a week...). Hopefully I am able to reach him tomorrow...

I may have already included this link in a previous blog, but just in case it slipped my mind, this is a wonderful treat for those of you with children who wish to hear from Santa. It is personalize-able and every kid I have used this with LOVES it! Definitely check it out!!! It's called the Portable North Pole and I this will be the third year I've used it for nieces/nephews/nanny children/friends of the family. What a neat website!

On the way to get Tony from work this afternoon, I had just finished baking some fresh chocolate chip cookies for dessert, stopped at the Walgreens across the street to use my $5 stock up coupon to buy some more kleenex (as I used my last one on the way out the door), sour candy, and dryer sheets. I only had to pay 33 cents...quite the deal. Chatted with both Mom and Dad today, which was nice and headed back home. When we got home, Tony threw the garbage and recycling out to the curb and got to work on the LAST of his homework for this semester's classes. He had a paper due and it took him awhile tonight, but now he has no more homework until next semester-yippee! While he worked on homework, I made a tender chicken and stir fry veggie dinner with brown rice. I think that after all my "Betty Crocker" attempts, I am willing to bet that the more tender chicken is a result of thawing the chicken out naturally, as it tends to be rather dry when I defrost the chicken in the microwave. Tonight my chicken marinade consisted of onion flakes, garlic salt, extra virgin olive oil, brown sugar, mustard, and Worcestershire sauce on medium heat for about 45 minutes-so delicious! Tony definitely had nothing but good things to say (in between bites).

Now it is time for bed as everything on today's To Do list is done and Tony just signed off of his computer and is finishing up with a shower. We turned the heat back on, now that the weekend is bringing windy, wet weather in the 50s. We also added our electric blanket to the bed tonight...I know people would look at us and NEVER know I used to live in the midwest...I've lost my ability to tolerate the cold...and I'm not ashamed to admit it.

TWO MORE WEEKS until your due date, Peyton Mackenzie...can't hardly wait a moment longer! I'm quickly realizing how little patience I really have where your due date is concerned...I'm just so excited for our family of three to begin! Love you, little girl!

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