To Our Precious, Little Baby Girl...

The hope for this blog is that we get to share with our daughter-to-be, family, and friends what is going on in our lives as we start getting prepared for her BIG DAY and arrival outside of the belly! It'll be a no-holds-barred attempt at our new experiences, challenges, and day-to-day life while our little "bun in the oven" continues to bake. At some point, we hope this will be a loving story for you, little girl, to look back on and hopefully will also be entertaining and educational to read! We love you, little monkey, and are so blessed to have you growing stronger and stronger every day! Love, Mom and Dad

Friday, December 17, 2010

"The Best And The Most Beautiful Things In The World Cannot Be Seen Or Even Touched, They Must Be Felt With The Heart."

~Helen Keller

Let's see...I'm trying to remember what happened yesterday because I am writing this a day late due to some technology/computer/internet issues that didn't get resolved until now. I do remember that I had 4 episodes of Braxton Hicks throughout the night and woke up to drive Tony to work in the morning, as we were supposed to be getting a big rain storm for the next five or six days---watch out Wisconsinites, this will most likely make it's way to you next week---that probably means more snow!

After dropping Tony off at work, I stopped at the 99cent store for the second time in two days. This time I stocked up on the scrapbooking tape runners I was telling you about-bought a bunch to send home to mom, who did place an order, and for myself. Got a few other items like silver decorative plates for "fancy" occasions when I need to "spice up" our regular tablewear, and also got a few other items that were too good of a deal to pass up. Stopped right off at the post office after leaving the store so that I could send Mom's order of tape runners out to her.

Immediately after that, I dropped a few things off at home and went over around 8:30am to spend the day with Nicole. We chatted, exchanged Christmas gifts, and then spent the rest of the day running errands, catching up, and having girl time. She got me this really warm set of fleece jammies that I have been eyeing for awhile. So warm and comfy and super soft! (Picture below) Among some of the places we stopped at were: her sister's work, Fed Ex, Bel Air, AT&T store, Target, Bath & Body Works, Old Navy, Fresh Choice (where Nicole treated my big pregnant belly out to a yummy buffet-totally hit the spot), World Market, Best Buy, and I'm sure there are a few other places I forgot. Thanks for a great day with a great friend, Nicole (and for the tasty lunch, great conversation, and perfect PJ's!)!

Got home just in time to pull the mail in and head to work. Tony and I got a mini (LIVE!!!) Christmas tree from Dad & Mary for a little taste/smell of home because we couldn't fly home to join them for the holidays due to being pregnant/due this Christmas. It is adorable-it came with the fresh pine tree scent, mini ornaments, and even a mini strand of colored lights. I set it up in our bedroom on our desk so that we can see it at night time and smell the "Wisconsin" Christmas. Thank you so much, guys! The branches are so super tiny and soft! I think this is actually a plant that even I can't kill... :)

Thank you, Dad & Mary, for the little version of a home Christmas. :)

Thank you, Nicole, for some fuzzy new pajamas to pamper myself!

Headed off to work for the evening because my bosses had a work holiday party to go to. The boys and I had a good night of playing and just hanging out. Got home around 10:30pm-sent home with another set of items from K---sleeper sacks for Peyton to wear over her clothes to keep warm in the winter. Every time she wears them, it will make me think of Mo, as just a few short months ago he could fit into these and wore them all the time.

Was happy to get our "GO-OAHU" cards in the mail excited to use them in 2 months! Got a letter from my friend Kate, sad to report that my cousin's mother in law passed away from her 3-year battle with cancer today-Carstens Family, you are in our thoughts and prayers! We got Christmas cards from Jody V., the Loefpe and Sherman Families today and sadly got two of our Christmas cards returned due to incorrect addressed...I will hunt down the correct addresses and hopefully have them back out in time to be received by Christmas! I really wanted to make Texas Chili today, but I had no idea I would've spent the whole rainy day waddling through parking lots (trying not to slip) and hanging out with Nicole-much better way to spend a day than I had envisioned and much better company! Perhaps that'll be a project for this upcoming week-which I still want to make some "Cheesy Potatoes" as my holiday comfort food that usually my Wisconsin family makes.

Okay, I think that is all that happened yesterday, if not, I blame my pregnant brain for forgetting! Bless you all! Logan still is M.I.A. with phone calls...I hope he got the package. Our special packages we sent out to Mom & Dan and Dad & Mary should be arriving tomorrow if the weather cooperates. Tony and Nikki went to see the Tron movie at the theater tonight after work while I was babysitting-they said it was "okay" when I talked to them this morning. Okay, I really think that is about it...

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