To Our Precious, Little Baby Girl...

The hope for this blog is that we get to share with our daughter-to-be, family, and friends what is going on in our lives as we start getting prepared for her BIG DAY and arrival outside of the belly! It'll be a no-holds-barred attempt at our new experiences, challenges, and day-to-day life while our little "bun in the oven" continues to bake. At some point, we hope this will be a loving story for you, little girl, to look back on and hopefully will also be entertaining and educational to read! We love you, little monkey, and are so blessed to have you growing stronger and stronger every day! Love, Mom and Dad

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

"A Ruffled Mind Makes A Restless Pillow."

~Charlotte Bronte

That will NOT be the case tonight, as I have held a full schedule, keeping my mind and body completely occupied today in hopes of being able to hit the pillow tonight and not wake up until tomorrow morning...going for day two of sleeping all night...

After waking up only twice last night (due to peeing, NOT throat issues-YAY!) I finally woke up for the day around 6:45am. Now, let's delve into the discussion of HOW I slept, shall we? Wonderful would be the word I use to describe how I slept despite my throat ache, however the throat issues caused me to snore which leads to the second word I would use to describe last night-OW! Every 3-10 minutes I would get elbowed in the ribs/arm/side by my loving husband who was awakened and annoyed with the noise I was making and in an attempt to make me stop, would jab me awake to inform me I was snoring. To this, I would sleepily reply, "Put on your earphones or ear plugs, I'm ACTUALLY SLEEPING." He disregarded my request just as I ignored his attempt to get me to stop snoring. I figure that if snoring while I'm sick allows me to sleep solidly, he can deal with it for a night or two...or he can figure out a different solution (ear plugs, radio on, comfy couch in the living room, whatever...). The Tylenol I took before bed last night had obviously worked it's magic I will be using that tonight as well.

Because my throat still had the sensation of being a place holder for a tennis ball, I did not go work with the boys today-in hopes of saving them from whatever it is I have. I'm just hoping I haven't already exposed them when I was there this weekend. It's not that I couldn't work today, as I clearly stayed busy and have no problems doing manual labor, the reason I didn't work today was purely out of an attempt to keep the boys healthy-can't argue with that logic. Tomorrow I will be seeing the doctor and will get a "thumbs up/thumbs down" from her to go back to work in the afternoon or maybe holding out another day or two just to be on the safe side. I'll let you know what she says tomorrow...

Today was the 69th anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor-a "day that will live in infamy" as well as my stepfather's 61st birthday. Happy Birthday, Dan! Tomorrow is officially ONE YEAR that we've lived in this house-wow, time goes fast! It is also Darcie's birthday tomorrow...happy birthday!

Got the mail today and was excited to find January's issue of Real Simple waiting in the little mailbox cubbie for me. I have to say, though, that this particular issue was a lot thinner than usual AND I didn't ear tag any pages like I usually do-a little disappointing as it is common for me to find five to ten ideas that I "borrow" from a normal issue. Oh well, I guess they can't ALL be great issues. We also got our first official Christmas CARD in the mail today-from Aunt Nettie and Uncle Mark. Like I mentioned before, we have already received a "green" card via a pdf. file and Peyton already got HER first card, but this is the first one addressed to all of us. Let the plethora of holiday greetings start streaming in, we're ready!

This morning I remembered a website that I had used awhile back but hadn't visited in awhile. It was a website where you can make floor plans of anything and then view it in 2D or 3D. Me being an organizer and also putting off doing things I SHOULD have been doing (reading for small group, scrapbooking, etc.) I spent an HOUR measuring our master suite and decorating our "online master bedroom." It is a handy tool that will prove it's usefulness whenever I decide to re-do the layout of the room, as I won't need Tony to move furniture around a couple times before I land on what I want, I can just move things in the picture and see how that works, first. Plus, at some point I want to add the dimensions and info for the rest of the house so that I can share with you the layout of our house, for those of you who are curious like I am, but who don't live within reasonable viewing distance. That will be a future project. Even Ant thought this was a cool website.

After a lunch of leftover fajitas, Tony and I headed out in the sunny, 63 degree Tuesday weather, this December 7th to do some much needed yard work. Tony mowed the lawn (as it was finally a non-rainy day that he had off) and weed-whacked and edged the lawn. I trimmed the bushes and emptied all of the house garbages. I also opened all the windows to get some fresh air circulating and turned off the heat. Only here (sorry Wisconsin friends and family) would a person think it is normal in December to mow the lawn, turn off the heat, and have the windows open. What a beautiful day! Sometime while we were outside, the drainage going down my throat from all of my sinuses redirected itself to coming out my nose...allergies, perhaps? Either way, right around this time my throat felt about 90% better and my body switched over into a new set of issues (far easier and more pleasurable than a sore throat, if you ask me!): runny nose, coughs, and non-stop sneezing. I am proud to report that as of 11:45pm (the time it is right now), my throat feels 1000 times better, but I have now transitioned into the typical "cold" symptoms. I think another night of snoring is in the near future, as I am completely stuffed up...but hey, it's way more comfortable than an inconsolable sore throat! Does this mean I'm getting better? I don't know. We'll see what the doctor says tomorrow. Something that might have helped me was my continued intake of fluids (tea, hot cocoa, water, and lot's of orange juice). I've taken everyone's advice (thank you, by the way) and continued steaming my head/nasal passages, used a Nettipot, and taken Tylenol and something out of that strange concoction must have done the trick.

After completing our yard work, I swept all of the sidewalks, patios, and driveway off and came inside and ate an ENTIRE bag of mini chocolate rice cakes-I should be ashamed, but I'm not-I LOVE those things! I listened to some music on my favorites list while eating lunch and playing about 18 rounds of Wheel of Fortune on Facebook. While on there, I was solicited to update and get the "new layout" of my profile page-why does Facebook always feel the need to change things? I don't get it. Didn't they ever hear of the quote, "If it isn't broke, don't fix it."? Either way, I'm going to hold out as long as possible...I like certain things the way I'm used to. As much as I say things should change with the times, I get the distinct impression that I'm all talk in that department, as I tend to drag my heals whenever change is voluntary.

In other, un-related news, a lady from Wisconsin bit off her husband's tongue today. I'm not quite sure what the whole story is with this, but can I just say that it doesn't lead an outsider to think great things about people from Wisconsin, as we're also the home of Jeffry Dahmer, but also, it just makes the word "ewww!" come to mind! My friend Nicole had a dream (nightmare as she calls it) that she was pregnant to which I get excited at the idea, however, I know she wouldn't appreciate that response. I just think how cool it would be to have kids the same age and to go through stuff together. I know her and Todd will have kids in their own time, when it is right for them, but I couldn't help but get a little wishful when she mentioned her dream. Tony looked up some vehicles online for when we get more serious about car hunting in the next few months. So far his front-runner is the Kia Sedona after he did a bunch of comparative shopping online. I told him that for me, it's more about seeing it in person, than anything and we both agreed to go visit a lot sometime in the next few weeks/months but most likely it'll happen at the end of January/beginning of February. Peyton has been kicking up a storm today; moving and just staying busy like her mom. I think she's feeling my anticipation and they say all the nesting that I've been doing is usually a precursor to labor. I think she's just finally turned into an active girl these last few weeks. The next movie in the Twilight Saga came out a few days ago: Eclipse. I am not buying it in hopes that I get it as a Christmas gift. If not, you can bet that it'll be one of the first things I buy with my Christmas money! I had a sheet full of "To Do" items today, none of which actually got accomplished, although I do feel like many more things DID get done today that SHOULD have been on the list. I think I will go back and edit the list, just so that I can cross them back in a moment...ahhh, much better! Now I feel better...

On one of the many pregnancy emails/blogs/books I check on a daily basis, they came out with a list of the 100 most popular boy's and girl's names for 2010. Peyton was number 20 on the list for girls and Tristan James (what we would have named you had we been right in our assumption that you were a boy) was further down, at 54 (Tristan) and 31 (James). I guess we were more trendy than we had originally thought. I still love both names and am happy we picked Peyton Mackenzie! (Mackenzie was number 24 on the list, FYI.)

Talked with Mom on the phone for awhile this afternoon-that was nice to catch up with her and talk some smack about our little battle on Wheel of Fortune online. She claims that I'm "still losing even though I don't have a life"...I think those sound like fighting words to me...I think she's going to have to eat her words in a few short days and then I'll be calling her to rub it in...

This afternoon was full of organizing projects!!! I organized all of the bigger sized clothes that were donated to us/Peyton (18month-6T) into a very neat and labeled bin in her closet. Everything according to size and sub-category (tops/bottoms/accessories) of course. Then I finished organizing the rest of her closet into a few sub-sections: baby bathroom gear/spare bedroom gear/stuff for when she is more mobile/potty training. To the untrained eye, you would think I wasted an hour in her bedroom with nothing to show for it, but trust me, it is way more "Lindsay" organized now! And, I don't care if I'm the ONLY one who appreciates it! It was very relaxing to sit there and just work on this stuff! Tony came in for the last part of her bedroom organizing, as I needed help holding the monkey growth chart at the right height while attaching it to the wall...I can't wait to start marking off our growth of our little girl! He also helped me hang a monkey hook to the wall on the side of the changing table...I think this will be a very useful hook in the near future, as I am anticipating needing to set something aside from the "danger zone" of the dirty diaper :). The next step in the organizing part of the afternoon, was to set up our bedroom with Peyton's gear, as she will be spending her first few months of nights in our room so we need supplies and a station as well as the nursery. I converted an unused book shelf in our bedroom into a Peyton Station. Complete with diaper changing necessities, it also is stocked with clothes, blankets, baby bath items, monitors, and various other baby items. I then took it upon myself to load up her diaper bag that we will need when we go to the hospital when I am in labor AND to load a spare diaper bag to keep on hand for Tony's vehicle or just to keep with the stroller. Again, no one would probably notice these small changes, but I feel so much better knowing that the diaper bags are FULLY stocked and loaded with all the proper gear! Next, I loaded the car with her car seat, car seat base, stocked diaper bag, and baby Bjorn. Tomorrow Tony and I will put OUR bags together for what we will need when we go into labor so that THOSE items can also be stored in the car so whenever she's ready, we will be ready, too! Finally, the last installment of the organizing for the afternoon took place in the kitchen. In here I shuffled around items in various cabinets, putting less-used items up higher thus creating two free cabinets for all of Peyton's feeding supplies. We now have two shelves (equidistant from the sink, refrigerator, AND microwave-for optimal time saving) to store all of Monkey's bottles, bottle cleaners, formula (freebies even though we are PLANNING on breastfeeding), spoons, snack cups, bowls, drying rack, sippy cups, etc. I ended my organizing stint in the kitchen by running a load through the dishwasher and putting those dishes away and hand cleaning the few pots and pans that wouldn't fit.

After I vacated the kitchen, Tony got to work making some really good chicken he had been thawing/marinating throughout the day while he played his video games and while I had been nesting. He made some brown rice and corn to go with it and even though my taste buds are a little tainted due to the cold symptoms I'm now experiencing, it was one YUMMY dinner! I followed it up with more hot cocoa for dessert, as I am bound and determined to beat this yucky sickness feeling as soon as possible and I know from experience (AND everyone telling me at every chance they get) that staying hydrated is the best way to move a cold along faster.

I decided to call it a day after dinner (which we didn't eat until 7:30pm) and have been playing on the computer and watching a movie since. My feet are completely swollen, as has been the tradition the last week or so. It seems I wake up with normal feet (because they've been elevated in my bed) and then by the force of gravity, diet, pregnancy, and by my day's activities, they look red, puffy, and barely fit into my socks by the end of the night. I tried to download a pirated version of Eclipse to watch online tonight, but I got reprimanded by my husband that I shouldn't take the chance of downloading anything onto the computer-apparently no matter how much I try and tell him the virtues of the Twilight series, how hot the vampires are, or how happy watching this movie would make his pregnant wife, he contends the chance of getting a virus by downloading it is not worth it. (Plus, I don't think I won him over with the hot vampire argument.) So, I resigned myself to a few episodes of Friends on DVD before switching to watching a really old movie called Drive Me Crazy. Then I took a hot, steamy shower. Now it is time for me to turn on the heating pad, take some Tylenol and head to bed to join my already sleeping husband.

A few good things about the pregnancy is that by comparison (and I know I've said it before, but I need little silver lining reminders every now and then) my butt and thighs have never looked better than when compared to the behemoth size of my belly (stretch marks and all). From the waist down I feel like I FINALLY look the way I've been trying to look since college ended. Since I got sick on Sunday evening, I have also not had heart burn (knock on wood) at least I don't have that AND all of these cold issues! I also have come to appreciate these last few weeks with my husband as I know it will (soon) never be "just the two of us" again. As much as I am looking forward to our new family and our daughter, I am really starting to value and cherish having Tony all to myself while I still can.

Okay, now I need to head to bed as it is AFTER midnight and I have a doctor's appointment in the morning. Ooh, which reminds me...I need to tell someone at Kaiser tomorrow to add something onto our birth plan on file: Mirena. Mental reminder...noted.

Good night! Hope everyone had a productive day, like I feel I have had! Sad that there won't be sun tomorrow, but at least the temperature should be about the same as today! Hopefully my symptoms will have improved so I have more good news to report by way of my health in tomorrow's blog! Hugs to you all!

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