To Our Precious, Little Baby Girl...

The hope for this blog is that we get to share with our daughter-to-be, family, and friends what is going on in our lives as we start getting prepared for her BIG DAY and arrival outside of the belly! It'll be a no-holds-barred attempt at our new experiences, challenges, and day-to-day life while our little "bun in the oven" continues to bake. At some point, we hope this will be a loving story for you, little girl, to look back on and hopefully will also be entertaining and educational to read! We love you, little monkey, and are so blessed to have you growing stronger and stronger every day! Love, Mom and Dad

Saturday, December 18, 2010

"Part Of The Secret Of Success In Life Is To Eat What You Like And Let The Food Fight It Out Inside."

~Mark Twain

I think something about "giving baby what she wants" should also be added to Mark Twain's quote...can I get a "uh-huh" from all of you currently or previously pregnant moms out there?

This morning I woke up (after a night of no Braxtons but a few visits to the bathroom) at a quiet house. Tony was breathing deeply beside me, completely asleep even though his alarm had gone off at 5am. I rolled over (no small feat for a pregnant lady who's due in less than two weeks) to tell him he better start getting ready for work/the day.

After a quick breakfast of reheated chocolate chip pancakes, I drove Tony to work and met Nicole and her mom at Bath and Body Works to buy the items Nicole and I had shopped for yesterday (their sale wasn't until today, so we had put Nicole's items aside to get the deal this morning).

On the rainy ride home, I remember being grateful that I had off in the morning and could afford to drive my husband to work, as I would've hated to have been him driving to work in the cold rain only to have to work the whole day in soaked clothes. I can't wait until we can afford to give him another option besides his motorcycle!

I came home, unloaded the dishwasher, washed a few dishes, chatted with Mikee briefly on the phone, talked to Logan once he landed in Wisconsin (he DID get the package last night and really enjoyed the gift, so NOW I can post a picture of it because it won't ruin the surprise), wrote a few emails and letters, got the mail,  and partially watched a few less than time-worthy movies on

Tony burned a welcome sign for the newlyweds-as he had picked Logan's name in the family Christmas exchange.
I think the gift turned out really cool-Tony used one of their Facebook profile pics to get the center artwork from and then just free-handed the rest. Well done, sweetie! I liked the idea of having handmade Christmas gifts this year for the exchange! I wonder what next year's exchange theme will be!

After getting all that done, I took a nap from 11am-1pm which felt so nice. I knew I'd be up late tonight babysitting and I was a little tired---plus, the rainy weather always puts me in a sleepy mood. When I woke up, I felt like I was STARVING and proceeded to eat a day's worth of food in one sitting. I had a healthy choice dinner called Chicken Pesto Classico, two slices of vegetarian Sicilian pizza reheated, strawberry yogurt, a spoonful of chocolate frosting, popcorn, two big cups of my cherry fiber water, and a chocolate chip cookie ... or two. You'd have thought that I was storing up for the winter and was about to hibernate...OR...that I hadn't eaten in awhile. Neither was the case, but BOY was I hungry! I blame it on you, baby must be going through another growth spurt.

After I woke up and inhaled every bit of food I could find, I realized I had missed a call while I had napped. Lori from church had called about Sunday School tomorrow...I will most likely still teach tomorrow morning, but I wanted to let her know that I am FINALLY getting over my two week cold. Speaking of which, today was the FIRST day in TWO weeks that I feel like I'm starting to regain my pre-sick energy. I feel like the coughs today are making progress in clearing out my lungs and I wasn't woken last night by coughing (only by a few trips to the bathroom). My nose was probably only blown about half a dozen times today, and each time I felt like it was ALSO making progress in clearing out my sinuses. Knock on wood, I think I'm on the road to recovery...yippee!

Talked with Aunt Nettie on the phone today and caught up a little with her. Tomorrow is the big Christmas get together for my mom's extended side of the sad we'll be missing it, but I told Aunt Nettie to send our love to everyone. My niece Brittany graduated college today. Congrats! What a relief you must feel to finally be done, huh?!? Was supposed to go help deliver our Christmas-In-A-Box for church today, but I didn't want to jeopardize mine and Peyton's health now that I'm finally starting to feel better so I wished Meghan and her helpers a happy day of delivering and cancelled my participation. 

Worked from 5pm until 12:45am at work tonight so that my bosses could go to a couple Christmas parties down in San Jose this evening. The boys and I enjoyed our night inside, listening to the rain, playing with the dogs, reading stories, and just gibber-gabbering. Tonight was the first night the boys slept in the same room-all went well although the last few nights J has been staying up until about 10 or 11pm talking to himself in the dark. We may have to adjust his nap time to help fix this problem...

While at work I wrote in Peyton's baby book and the only other things I still need to add are a few pictures, otherwise I am all caught up in that AND her belly book. I also wrote a letter to Kate, checked email, let the boss's dogs come in to cuddle because of the wet/cold weather, vacuumed, swiffered, did dishes, picked up around their house, and watched Saturday Night Live (for the first time I actually watched it LIVE instead of watching it online a few days after the fact) while waiting for my bosses to come home. 

Now it is time for bed. I'm already swaddled in my new Pj's and have the electric blanket warming up my spot next to my sleeping husband. This evening I did feel 2 braxton hicks while at we'll see how the rest of the night/morning hours go, or if I'll be able to sleep pretty well. Poor Peyton, I can only imagine the Braxton Hicks make it a little uncomfortable for you in there. Hey, I'm just saying...but...if it's all the same to you, I know of a way to make it a little more could just come right on outta there anytime and then you won't have to deal with these false labor contractions when you're peacefully asleep...just a suggestion...

Good night everyone!

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