To Our Precious, Little Baby Girl...

The hope for this blog is that we get to share with our daughter-to-be, family, and friends what is going on in our lives as we start getting prepared for her BIG DAY and arrival outside of the belly! It'll be a no-holds-barred attempt at our new experiences, challenges, and day-to-day life while our little "bun in the oven" continues to bake. At some point, we hope this will be a loving story for you, little girl, to look back on and hopefully will also be entertaining and educational to read! We love you, little monkey, and are so blessed to have you growing stronger and stronger every day! Love, Mom and Dad

Sunday, December 19, 2010

"Love Is Always Bestowed As A Gift-Freely, Willingly, And Without Expectation. We Don’t Love To Be Loved; We Love To Love."

~Leo F. Buscaglia

Braxton Hicks throughout the night to tell me that I am nearing the end of pregnancy, a delicious breakfast with two of the most beautiful ladies I know (Kate and Kristin at IHop) before church this morning, teaching nursery Sunday School and listening to the children's Christmas program at church, an afternoon nap, a day home with the husband, and hitting up pre-Christmas sales...the only things that would've improved today would've been a sunny break from the rain and a teletransporter so we could've joined our family in Wisconsin for the Christmas party today!
ONE YEAR of home ownership down...many more to come! :) (I have given up waiting for a sunny day...I may have to wait until after the new year, so when there was a break in the rain today, Tony snapped this picture...)...compared to one year ago today, doesn't the yard look better?!?
(End of November 2009)

A doctor (and mom's) recommended medicine cabinet supplies for a newborn-Thank you, Kristin!

From the Bicocca kids-a monkey "bun-bun", a girl winter monkey (complete with banana), a sweet flower cap, and three Tahoe bookmarks for all of the baby book reading and leisure reading while breastfeeding in the upcoming months....-Thanks AJ, Ry, and Kate!
Katie and Kristin met me for breakfast this morning and also passed on two great gift bags. One put together by the children, and one from Kristin. I'm sure that even without the captions, you would probably be able to tell which was from which. Either way, I was excited about seeing the girls and getting a chance to catch up with them before they head up to Tahoe for a week (the boys were already up there spending a weekend with their Dad). What a great idea to have all of the lube and medicine a newborn would need! Kristin, you are so thoughtful! And thanks to the kiddos who picked out some incredibly adorable things for Ms. Monkey! :) I can't wait to show it all to her!

Again, because of the rainy weather, I was in the mood for an afternoon nap and ended up really needing the rest, as Miss Peyton has been moving non-stop and I have been having Braxtons throughout the day, as well and my body needed a rest. I ended up sleeping a little too late for the church white elephant Christmas exchange party tonight, so I enjoyed some McDonald's dinner with Tony and then checked out the sales at Michael's (intending to find a ornament for Peyton but not finding anything I was in love with). Headed home feeling proud that even though I didn't find anything I "HAD TO" have, I also came home without spending any money.

Tony worked on a music project all day-trying to organize and label his "play list"...ah, a man after my own heart-organized music :). Now it is time to cuddle in front of a movie-possibly even a holiday movie and just have some alone time with my husband.

All around, a good day. Turns out the family Christmas party back in Wisconsin went well...I enjoyed seeing pictures of everyone on Facebook! Miss you all! Hugs to everyone!

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