To Our Precious, Little Baby Girl...

The hope for this blog is that we get to share with our daughter-to-be, family, and friends what is going on in our lives as we start getting prepared for her BIG DAY and arrival outside of the belly! It'll be a no-holds-barred attempt at our new experiences, challenges, and day-to-day life while our little "bun in the oven" continues to bake. At some point, we hope this will be a loving story for you, little girl, to look back on and hopefully will also be entertaining and educational to read! We love you, little monkey, and are so blessed to have you growing stronger and stronger every day! Love, Mom and Dad

Sunday, December 5, 2010

"Nothing Has Happened Today Except Kindness."

~Gertrude Stein

I was surprised how relaxing and nice it was to work overnight...for two young boys...while a different bed (technically couch, as I moved there because the spare bedroom was too quiet). I slept well and enjoyed waking up to two amazing little faces who were so happy to see me. The boys and I had a quiet morning of playing, giggling, tummy time, and baths before heading to church. I was so proud to show them off to all of my friends at church and everyone "ooh-ed and ahh-ed" over how adorable and well behaved they were.

When we got back to their house around 12:45pm, their parents were already there waiting for them as they had gotten home from their date night in San Francisco and were eager to see their boys! At 1pm I took off to head to Babies 'R Us to pick up our maternity pictures and a few other "mommy" items: nipple cream (that my boss swears by), triple paste for Peyton's cheaky buns when they get a rash (the best thing on the market I have found), and some hand sanitizer (for when cleaning up poopy diapers gets a little more out of hand than one expects). I grabbed some Taco Bell on the way home, as I felt like I couldn't possibly drive another mile without starving myself.

A teenie-tiny preview of our Holiday Letter.
At home, I got right to work unpacking, divvying up the pictures for holiday gifts, adding the finishing touches onto our holiday letter, and writing/addressing/stuffing/sealing SEVENTY EIGHT Christmas cards so that they can go out in the mail tomorrow. Tony got home from work and made some yummy spaghetti while he worked on re-installing factory settings on his mom's old computer (so she could donate it without fearing she was giving away any of her info). Tony and I went through the pictures and kept a lot for ourselves...either for Peyton's room, our bedroom, scrapbooking purposes, or for our wallets. We were both really happy with how the pictures turned out and agreed (again) it was a good investment of time and finances.

All day long I could feel my sinuses draining into my throat so I know what's in store for me in a few short hours/days. I wish there was something I could take with the pregnancy that would relieve the symptoms and clear up my drainage, but that is something I will have to research, get advice on, or call the doctor about. I tried drinking a hot chocolate right before bed tonight...we'll see how that works...

***UPDATE***It is 3:15am and I have been up since 1am with an incredibly sore and raw throat...I guess the attempt with the hot chocolate was unsuccessful. Onto plan B...any help out there from you readers would be much appreciated (remember all I am allowed to have are Tylenol, Benadryl, or Tums in the way of medicine).

Tony and I are off to bed as I feel like I've had a full day! Am happy to have felt Mr. M's FIRST tooth (in the front on the bottom) come in today when he was chewing on my finger during church today. How exciting! I can't wait to experience all of these milestones with you, princess! We got our first "GREEN" Christmas letter ever, today...from Dad and Mary...we printed off a copy for our holiday records (we keep all of the cards in a box), so I think I defeated the purpose of the whole "green" theme...oops.

Good night and I wish you all a very restful evening! And happy St. Nick tonight for all of you who celebrate that-we will most likely begin that tradition when Peyton is old enough to remember...or possibly next year because I'm inpatient. Our stockings are just for decoration this year.

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