To Our Precious, Little Baby Girl...

The hope for this blog is that we get to share with our daughter-to-be, family, and friends what is going on in our lives as we start getting prepared for her BIG DAY and arrival outside of the belly! It'll be a no-holds-barred attempt at our new experiences, challenges, and day-to-day life while our little "bun in the oven" continues to bake. At some point, we hope this will be a loving story for you, little girl, to look back on and hopefully will also be entertaining and educational to read! We love you, little monkey, and are so blessed to have you growing stronger and stronger every day! Love, Mom and Dad

Monday, December 13, 2010

"In Every Person’s Face, There Is One Place That Seems To Express Them Most Accurately. With My Grandmother You Always Looked At Her Mouth."

~Mona Simpson

The same is true for little Mo Mo. When I came in to babysit tonight (while his parents went on a date), he smiled from ear to ear, grabbed my neck and giggled. Awe, NOTHING touches your heart more than a child who's obviously happy to see you! It's hard not to kiss all over him when he does something so adorable and endearing, but I gave him a big hug and smiled as much back (I didn't want to share any of my sick germs with him).

This morning I actually slept IN until, by "slept in" I am defining this as using the bathroom and sitting up to cough about half a dozen times last night, BUT...I was able to fall back asleep almost immediately after each rising. I even went to bed early last night, and I think that the added rest really helped restore my voice as I am sounding less man-ish by the hour today. Still a lot of coughing, nasal drainage, more coughing, and nose blowing, but I'll take baby steps if it will eventually get me back to a healthy place!

I made waffles while Tony played games this morning (I WAS going to make some Bisquick coffee cake that I love, but for some reason I couldn't find the recipe in the cupboard and I was getting to a hungry beyond belief point because I usually eat at 5am and by now it was 7:30am). We enjoyed our waffles together, caught up on a few of our daily computer tasks, and then got to work. This morning we had planned on updating and finalizing our spreadsheet for tax purposes. Because Mikee and Nikki have lived with us for the year, we can write part of our expenses off as "Renter" expenses as long as we have the proper documentation. We are still unclear of how much we will be able to write off, but I knew that with Ms. Peyton coming just around the corner, if we didn't do it now, it was NEVER going to get done. So, we spent almost three hours between both of our computers looking up a bunch of info and payments we have made in the last year and cataloging them into the proper columns for when we file 2010's taxes in January. We're hoping the write-off will be worth it and possibly even give us some spending money while I'm on maternity leave.

While all that was going on, we did get a call about midway through our project from Tony's mom saying she had quit her job today. Boy, were we taken by surprise. Not only was this completely out of the blue (as I have heard nothing but good things about work), but also she didn't give two week's notice, she just left at about 9am this morning, gave her resignation and left. I hope everyone keeps her in their prayers, as I fear she is depressed right now and is just not feeling herself and with the holidays around the corner and being at home all day during rainy season, I can easily see how this would not be the ideal time to be out of work. Luckily she has money set aside from her divorce settlement, but ultimately she needs to busy her mind and body with another job soon so that she doesn't start a pity party, get deeper in depression, or have nothing to focus on BUT her situation. Needless to say, we talked for awhile and we are both kinda still shocked about the whole situation! She DID stop over today to pick up some of her mail and we talked awhile longer, but she needed the rest of the day to collect her thoughts and pull her emotions back in. I guess people at work have been giving her a really hard time and she feels like she is not able to perform the way she should be. Today someone said something to her that ultimately was "the straw that broke the camel's back" and had embarrassed her so much that she decided that "THAT" was it and left. Things happen for a reason, as I like to believe, so I am just trusting that I don't know the reason she was meant to leave work but that there is something better waiting out there for her and that she'll seek help in the meantime. Tony and I are both worried for her as we want her to get back to the Mikee who takes no crap from anyone, the Mikee who is a go-getter, the Mikee who is a victim to no one.

Tony and I ran to get something from Game Stop that he needed to play his new game, we stopped at Target to get some more milk, as we were all out, and exchanged my Twilight: Eclipse dvd at Best Buy for one that doesn't skip. When we got home, Tony played games for a little while while I played on the computer. I made some sausage/ground turkey/mushroom/rice concoction for dinner before leaving to work. I don't particularly think I will ever make it that way again, as it just seemed kinda "blah." While eating dinner, Tony and I watched a bit of my new dvd together until it was time for me to leave.

While I was at work, my husband was at home earning his "husband of the year" award. I was so surprised and touched to walk in the door (technically pull into the garage...) and see it picked up, the house was completely vacuumed, the dishes were all done, the dishwasher was going, the kitchen counters had all been scrubbed, the stove was all deep cleaned, my Christmas gift from Tony was wrapped and neatly tucked under the tree, and the house was all picked up. What a special treat to come home to this! You'd have thought I was gone all day, but I had only been gone for about 4 hours. Gosh, I love that husband of mine! He knows how to make me happy!

K had given me her boppy and nursing blanket tonight-what a nice boss I have! I am so fortunate to get all of these baby supplies from her, and I will most DEFINITELY use them! It'll make breast feeding so much easier!

Now we're watching the remainder of the dvd as I type this. It is time for me to head to bed. Like I mentioned previously, please keep my nanny family in your thoughts and prayers as they will be getting their MRI results for M tomorrow, please pray for peace and soothing for Mikee in her new search for a job that will make her happy, and praise to God for working in ways that are not known to us! We are so lucky to have all the spoils and love that surround us, especially during this holiday season! Thank you to all of you out there who keep us in your daily thoughts and who support us in so many ways! Know that you are all so important to us and that we continue to be grateful for all you do and for all you are!

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