To Our Precious, Little Baby Girl...

The hope for this blog is that we get to share with our daughter-to-be, family, and friends what is going on in our lives as we start getting prepared for her BIG DAY and arrival outside of the belly! It'll be a no-holds-barred attempt at our new experiences, challenges, and day-to-day life while our little "bun in the oven" continues to bake. At some point, we hope this will be a loving story for you, little girl, to look back on and hopefully will also be entertaining and educational to read! We love you, little monkey, and are so blessed to have you growing stronger and stronger every day! Love, Mom and Dad

Friday, December 10, 2010

"Fear Not Those Who Argue But Those Who Dodge."

~Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

My body and my mind are so completely drained right now, for a number of reasons. I am too exhausted to write a detailed summary of the day, like I usually do. Today is a LIST it goes...

1. Woke up every half hour last night to either cough, pee, or chest is so weak right now.
2. Woke up twice last night because my heart was beating irregularly and abnormally slow (while laying on my back) soon as I rolled to my left side, my heart beat went back to normal.***P.S. The advice nurse I talked to this morning said that because of the pregnancy and cold, it is not uncommon. She also suggested that I ONLY sleep on my left side-to which I tried to tell her I must have rolled in my sleep. She says it's nothing to worry about because when I changed position it corrected itself. I just called in to reassure myself everything was okay with Peyton.***
3. Went into work today at 6am so that Mo could go in for his MRI this morning. It was scary as he had to be sedated. Luckily, the MRI procedure went as best as could be expected and results should be in on Tuesday.
4. J and I had a nice morning of playing before we went to another mom's house down in Herald and made some painted snowmen ornaments with our fingerprints/hand prints (I will not include pictures at this time, as it is a holiday gift from J to his parents and I don't want them to see it before they unwrap their gifts) PLUS we played a lot of trains and made some reindeer food while there.
5. After work, I deposited my paycheck, had lunch, picked up some items for an "adopt-a-kid/Christmas in a box" outreach we are doing at church, and got one more present for Tony.
6. Headed home, had some hot cocoa, hot (no-caffeine) raspberry tea, and got the mail-nothing good in there, just bills and garbage.
7. Put away all of yesterday's laundry...ahh, that feels better!
8. Hacked up and blew my nose probably half a gah-zillion times this afternoon and watched the latest episode of Fringe on while trying to fall asleep. Decent episode. Big fail on the nap-couldn't get comfortable.
9. Threw in a frozen pizza for dinner (Tony promised to make a chicken noodle soup from scratch for me tomorrow) and chatted with Nikki after she got home from the dentist.
10. Attempted to win big money while playing a few rounds of Wheel of Fortune on Facebook, but either my pregnancy brain OR my congested head didn't allow me to concentrate on making sense of the random letters on the screen, and I gave up my quest for the night.
11. Ordered our "GO OAHU" cards for our family vacation at the end of February. We can't wait-plus, it's an added incentive for me to lose the baby weight in a timely manner so that I won't be too ashamed when I put on a swimming suit. I already have Peyton's swimming suit-super cute!
12. Sitting here with ANOTHER big mug of tea, taking some Tylenol, and heading to bed for the night.
13. Tomorrow morning I MUST wrap some Christmas presents and call the dentist to confirm a payment. My only other things on tomorrow's to do list are: Christmas Party at my former boss's house at 3:30pm and REST, REST, REST!!!

Sorry for the poor excuse for a blog tonight, but I'm completely void of motivation to tell a decent story. I hope that this cold has run most of it's course as I quickly find that being this far into the pregnancy AND sick AND with the lack of sleep, I am just not "ME" these last few days. Nuh-night.

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