To Our Precious, Little Baby Girl...

The hope for this blog is that we get to share with our daughter-to-be, family, and friends what is going on in our lives as we start getting prepared for her BIG DAY and arrival outside of the belly! It'll be a no-holds-barred attempt at our new experiences, challenges, and day-to-day life while our little "bun in the oven" continues to bake. At some point, we hope this will be a loving story for you, little girl, to look back on and hopefully will also be entertaining and educational to read! We love you, little monkey, and are so blessed to have you growing stronger and stronger every day! Love, Mom and Dad

Saturday, December 11, 2010

"Announced By All The Trumpets Of The Sky, Arrives The Snow."

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Supposedly all of my friends and family back in Wisconsin are being hit by a really big snow storm this weekend. They are re-learning all of the ways to cuddle up with family and reconnect with indoor activities. As much as I would love to be with them to catch up and visit, I am definitely counting my blessings that we don't even SELL shovels here in Sacramento! I'm sure it's pretty and I'm sure the fireplaces are all lit and you're all gathered around watching Christmas movies, drinking hot cocoa and cider, and playing board games, but I will live vicariously through your stories. Feel free to send pictures of all the white snow, though...

Today I stayed pretty busy, again. Staying busy is helping me focus on other things than the fact that I feel like my belly is stretching beyond it's capabilities and the anticipation of waiting for Peyton. Just today I googled the mammals with the longest gestation periods (as I felt that my name and picture would be the first link in the search results)...turns out that Manatees carry their babies for 13 months while camels, tapirs, donkeys, giraffes, velvet worms, rhinos, walruses, whales, and dolphins are anywhere from 13-17 months, elephants clock in at about 2 YEARS, and black alpine salamanders range in pregnancy from 2-3 years!!! But, topping the scales are the frilled shark at a gestation period of 3.5 years---that is one seriously committed mama!!! I guess I should be counting my blessings that I'm not a shark, although I do feel like a whale, these days...

This morning I re-packed/re-organized the Christmas decorations/gear boxes. As you may have noticed, I have a slight preference for the color blue. This is also reflected in my decorations for holidays as we refer to our "blue" style of Christmas as "MY" Christmas and the traditional multi-colored lights and hodge podge of ornaments is "Tony's" Christmas. Anyway, because this year is a blue/"MY" Christmas kinda year, I re-did the bins so that we can keep all of the "Tony" Christmas stuff separate. That way, when next year rolls around, we don't have to bring all SIX tubs of Christmas gear out of the attic and go through it all. We can pull Tony's tubs down and leave up mine---I am hoping this makes setting up Christmas with an almost one year old a little more efficient. I guess we will have to wait until next year to see if my plan worked. While organizing these bins, I watched FAMILY STONE on DVD to get into the holiday spirit. I really enjoy this movie year-round, but especially at the holidays.

After I finished with that little project, I opened all the windows and plugged in all the holiday lights to continue in the spirit of the season. Next I pulled out all of the presents I have bought, made a list, and got to wrapping said gifts. This called for another holiday favorite to watch while working: A Claymation Christmas...ooh, the memories are coming back of watching this when I was little! My favorite parts are the carol of the bells scene when the ding-dong of a guy gets lost with the fly and tosses his banger and then shrugs his shoulder and clumsily says, "I lost mine..."...cracks me up every time! I also enjoy the California Raisins, the sketch with the  stained glass window and gospel singers, the totally hilarious triceratops that can't get anything right, and the kids looking at an ornament in the Christmas tree.

I baked two dozen mini cookies (chocolate chip and sugar) to bring to the Bicocca Christmas party today, took a shower, dried and curled my hair, washed all of the breastfeeding gear that I had purchased from my boss and put it away in a cupboard in the kitchen, emailed a few people, re-listed all of our items we are trying to sell on craigslist, chatted with Mom briefly on the phone, and left the house around 4ish to go to the party (I left a little late hoping Tony would get home from work and we could go together, but of course, work kept him until about 6:30ish before they let him go home.).

It was nice to see the former nanny kids again, although it was a party with a bunch of their friends so as much as I wanted to spend time with them, they were otherwise occupied with more entertaining things. I also got to catch up with people I haven't seen in a few months and eat some delicious food. Always a fantastic party hosted by the Bicocca gang! What a beautiful party! It was so nice! Ended up leaving earlier than I had anticipated most likely due to the salt in all of the food--totally worth it but definitely felt like my feet were as big as Ronald McDonald's feet, or bigger! I wanted to come home and put them up immediately! Plus, I didn't want to stay too late as I am trying to do all that I can to get over this cold as quickly as possible, as it is simply draining what little energy I have left in these last TWENTY days of the pregnancy (20 if she comes on we'll see...).

Came home, drank a bunch of water, and put my feet up while watching Saturday Night Live: The Best of Chris Farley on DVD.  I gave Tony a haircut and now I am ready to call it a night! Tomorrow is church setup at 8:45am, church at 10:30am, and "Christmas in a box" wrap party as soon as church is over. My car is all loaded with our donated gifts and wrapping supplies. Hopefully I can sleep well so that I can do all three things tomorrow. My nose wasn't AS runny today and I think I only sneezed twice. Cough-wise, I am still pretty nasty and my voice is slowly starting to become less I feel like I'm slowly but surely going in the right direction with getting better. Let's hope this trend continues!

Good night!

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