To Our Precious, Little Baby Girl...

The hope for this blog is that we get to share with our daughter-to-be, family, and friends what is going on in our lives as we start getting prepared for her BIG DAY and arrival outside of the belly! It'll be a no-holds-barred attempt at our new experiences, challenges, and day-to-day life while our little "bun in the oven" continues to bake. At some point, we hope this will be a loving story for you, little girl, to look back on and hopefully will also be entertaining and educational to read! We love you, little monkey, and are so blessed to have you growing stronger and stronger every day! Love, Mom and Dad

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"To Know Someone With Whom You Can Feel There Is Understanding In Spite Of Distances Or Thoughts Unexpressed. That Can Make This Life A Garden."


My mom gets me SO well...I indeed am a miniature version of her, just as I'm sure Peyton will be a mini-me. It's strange how many times I catch myself doing something, saying something, or thinking in a way that makes me go, "woh, that is SO 'Mom'!"

Today, I received ANOTHER package from my mom. This time it included a gift for the upcoming California/West Coast baby shower that my friend Nicole is throwing that my mom will be unable to attend due to distance and her busy Master's Program. Can't wait for Peyton to come and start growing so I can use all of these adorable gifts on her! So exciting!

Our little monkey is going to be so well dressed! :) Thank you, again, Mom! Love 'em! I know Peyton will, too!

The boys and I had a perfect-weathered day at the park close to their home. We were there more than two hours this morning-about half of that time was with the local mom's club that they belong to. The ladies are all so nice and the kids are all about the same age. It was in the mid 70s and sunny-what a nice day! We enjoyed a picnic and nice time burning energy with J and M was very cuddly and adorable all morning!

Made the family a pork chop and noodle dish for dinner and then headed off to the polls. May I just say that the polling place that I was assigned, despite the plethora of volunteers, seemed to be so disorganized. It was a good thing that they all had a positive attitude and were so nice, otherwise it would've made the process a lot MORE un-enjoyable! I was rather disappointed with how they had laid out everything and the fact that no one seemed to be all that trained in how to operate and make things run smoothly...that being said, I officially got through the obstacle course and am proud to say I voted. We'll see the results sometime tonight, I'm sure, but I am not planning on staying up that late to find out. Either way, I am sorry to say it this way, but it seemed like voting in this race today seemed to be a matter of "finding the lesser of two evils" instead of picking the "best man for the job"...I wish that were not the case. I almost feel like even if my choices are the people that end up winning the election, we may all still "lose" here in California. I HOPE and PRAY that I am proved wrong! I would like nothing better than to be pleasantly surprised by the candidate that takes office as a result of this vote!

Had grilled cheese and a mixed bowl of fresh cantaloupe, honey dew, and grapes for dinner tonight. Took a shower and am now ready for some kick homework, Friends DVD, and early bedtime. Good night and hope you all had a chance to go out and have your voice heard tonight, regardless of your political affiliation or choices!

Peyton, your Mom wishes that you, too will go out and vote. I feel it is only right to judge and make comments about the people who lead you if you are doing your part in the process, otherwise I feel you have no place to complain! Mom knows you'll make your opinions known and I hope you go out and change the world (even IF it is only one vote at a time!).

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