To Our Precious, Little Baby Girl...

The hope for this blog is that we get to share with our daughter-to-be, family, and friends what is going on in our lives as we start getting prepared for her BIG DAY and arrival outside of the belly! It'll be a no-holds-barred attempt at our new experiences, challenges, and day-to-day life while our little "bun in the oven" continues to bake. At some point, we hope this will be a loving story for you, little girl, to look back on and hopefully will also be entertaining and educational to read! We love you, little monkey, and are so blessed to have you growing stronger and stronger every day! Love, Mom and Dad

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

"No Entertainment Is So Cheap As Reading, Nor Any Pleasure So Lasting."

~Lady Mary Wortley Montagu

As Nicole explained to me tonight, I will most likely enjoy reading the Sookie Stackhouse series of books and watching the TRUE BLOOD shows that are based on the books. Todd then lovingly referred to us as fang bangers. There are worse things to be called. Because I got so into the TWILIGHT series, I imagine this is right up my alley...but I should probably start now as I'm not sure how much reading I am going to get done once Peyton arrives!

Awake this morning from about 1am-4am with heart burn, then woke up at 5am to use the bathroom so I didn't get as much sleep as I had hoped to. I had heart burn all day, but I do know a few pregnant ladies who have had it since day one, so I know I shouldn't complain. Drove Tony to work in the rain-crummy way to start the day but luckily the sun was out and shining and warm at about 11am for the remainder of the day.

Worked with the boys for about four and a half hours today while K had a dentist appointment and ran errands. It felt like they had grown so much and that I had missed so much, even though I did see both of them on Saturday when I babysat. I can already tell I'm not going to enjoy my time away from them for the next few months...gosh I love those boys!

After work, I came home thawed chicken and a pie to make for Todd and Nicole tonight, did a bunch of dishes, and talked with Toys 'R Us online and Geico about different questions/issues I was having with each of them. Got that all resolved and then went to check the mail-nada...:(

Picked Tony up from work, as the motorcycle is STILL M.I.A. and then when we got home we got to making Tony's really juicy and yummy chicken, mashed potatoes, corn, salad, croissants, and sweet potato pie for dinner with our amazing friends that we just don't invite over enough.

After dinner the boys played games and looked at swords while I showed Nicole more stuff in the nursery and she helped me put up the tree/monkey mural (as I would trust her with and maybe only one or two other people to do it the way LINDSAY wants it to be done and to my standards). Thanks, Nicole! It turned out better than I envisioned! They headed home around an hour ago to go take care of their puppy and Tony and I did dishes together and now it is time for bed.

Hmmm...what DVD should we put in tonight? Monkey's kicking, so hopefully she'll settle down at SOME point today so that I can go to sleep. Love to all and safe travels for all of you driving to visit friends and family for Thanksgiving in the next few days! xoxox

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