To Our Precious, Little Baby Girl...

The hope for this blog is that we get to share with our daughter-to-be, family, and friends what is going on in our lives as we start getting prepared for her BIG DAY and arrival outside of the belly! It'll be a no-holds-barred attempt at our new experiences, challenges, and day-to-day life while our little "bun in the oven" continues to bake. At some point, we hope this will be a loving story for you, little girl, to look back on and hopefully will also be entertaining and educational to read! We love you, little monkey, and are so blessed to have you growing stronger and stronger every day! Love, Mom and Dad

Saturday, October 16, 2010

"If You Can't See The Bright Side Of Life, Polish The Dull Side."


Yow-za! Busy day, again! Woke up bright and early and wide-eyed at 4:30am, so of course my next course of action was to visit the bathroom. Upon completion, I knew the next logical step on my to do list would be to wake up my trusted side-kick, the husband. I'm sure he appreciates sharing my sleeplessness with me. He made me an egg sandwich on a toasted bagel with sautéed peppers (from our garden) and sausages. Boy, am I spoiled or what? He helped me make a list of all of the household light bulbs we needed to buy/stock up on and then followed me to Home Depot (VISIT NUMBER ONE FOR THE DAY) so that afterward we could drop off my car to have the brakes repaired at Les Schwab. While there, we also picked up a few flashlights and some rat poison for our back yard. We dropped off my car, returned home and got to work on mowing the lawn and weeding. In the process, we realized we were completely out of gas for the lawn mower, had a broken nozzle on the weed sprayer, AND that the clutch on the weed whacker had finally whacked it's last weed. We headed BACK to Home Depot (VISIT NUMBER TWO FOR THE DAY), got a new nozzle, bought an entirely new weed whacker, I laminated J's birthday gift, and we picked up my car. On the way home, I realized that I also needed gas for my car and when I called Tony I realized that he left the gas canister in Nikki's car before she left this morning. I ran over towards downtown to meet her and get the gas can, stopped off at Costco to fill up my car AND the can with gas, and got back home. I wrapped J's birthday present from me and from his brother, took a shower, and had to fly out the door to go pick up the birthday cake and sandwich wraps from Costco (VISIT NUMBER TWO to COSTCO for the day) and headed off to Wilton for the party to help set up. While I was gone, Tony finished mowing the lawn, weeding, weed whacking, and trimming the hedges. What a great guy I have!

The party was a lot of fun, it was nice and windy so it didn't seem as scorching hot as I had feared. Everyone had a great time, the birthday boy got lot's of love, and it was nice to visit with a lot of familiar faces!

When I got home, I helped Tony move the patio furniture into the garage for the season (tomorrow is supposed to be our first rain of the season-we'll see if it actually happens). Tony told me that while I was gone, whatever rodent or vermin is living under the cement slab of our air conditioning unit had taken ALL NINE rat poison bricks that we had placed in each of the holes this morning. Now I'm convinced we did the right thing by buying the poison! We shall see in a few days what transpires! I came inside and washed my feet from a dusty afternoon at the pumpkin patch and Tony and I headed over to my mother-in-law's to help her with computer issues and a shade for her patio. We got there and turned around to go to Home Depot (VISIT NUMBER THREE FOR THE DAY) to help her fit/carry an eight foot long shade into the car because it wouldn't fit in her car. Anthony attempted to install it but quickly realized he didn't have the right tools, so we will be going back over there sometime tomorrow to finish the installation. He also helped set up some things on her computer but we ultimately determined that her internet speed is too archaically slow that she needs to upgrade first thing on Monday morning. I would have taken more pictures, but 1. I forgot to bring my camera and 2. the bedroom/closet situation is not any different than it was a week ago, so trust that I will do it sometime.

I'm so tired and ready for bedtime. Tony treated me out to a restaurant that he knows I really enjoy: RUBIO'S where we had some delicious fresh salsa verde and salty chips along with a really good chicken burrito. We came back home to play on our computers and now he has left again to go see the movie CASE 39 with his buddy and I was going to head to bed. My belly feels gi-nor-mous today and Monkey was extremely helpful with completing her kicks for my homework in 9 minutes tonight. She makes her mom so happy when she gets my work done so quickly and efficiently!

Hope you all had as nice of a Saturday as I did and that you were ALSO able to cross a lot of things off of your to do lists, like I was. I hope you all have someone in your lives, like Tony for me, who helps make your chores more pleasurable and helps you work on crossing things off together! Hugs to Mr. J for his two year old birthday tomorrow and good night my dear, sweet girl! *Muah*

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