To Our Precious, Little Baby Girl...

The hope for this blog is that we get to share with our daughter-to-be, family, and friends what is going on in our lives as we start getting prepared for her BIG DAY and arrival outside of the belly! It'll be a no-holds-barred attempt at our new experiences, challenges, and day-to-day life while our little "bun in the oven" continues to bake. At some point, we hope this will be a loving story for you, little girl, to look back on and hopefully will also be entertaining and educational to read! We love you, little monkey, and are so blessed to have you growing stronger and stronger every day! Love, Mom and Dad

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"People Don’t Care How Much You Know, They Want To Know How Much You Care."


Today was a day of correspondence. There are a bunch of people you will meet when you are born in a few months who have upcoming birthdays or important life milestones in the near future. Between emails, snail mail, and Facebook chats, a lot of catching up was done! I am not at liberty to disclose any names, but a very special person shared with me today that she's expecting. She is going to be such a fantastic mother and that kid will feel so loved. I am so happy for her and her growing family and I will share official news once I get approval.

No lesson today, but I DO have a wish for you... One day, I hope you will go through all the mail that I receive and save, and get a picture of what your mom used to be like and how many people are rooting for you and who love you so much even before they met you! It is truly amazing to me how many people are checking in on you constantly, who are asking about you all the time, and who are so excited for your arrival into this world! You are truly a blessing unto us!

There was homemade spaghetti for my husband's dinner tonight with fresh *cold* watermelon for dessert. We had a visit from the "air conditioner fairy" and found out that along with the service call fee, we are at a minimum looking at the cost of a new transformer. In the process of trying to install the new transformer at a pretty steep cost, the repairmen blew it out and had no other transformers in his vehicle. Thus continues the A/C saga until tomorrow. Before leaving, he also pointed out that we have standing water in our unit because our drain system must not be working properly and that when he returns late tomorrow afternoon, he will take a look at that and evaluate the repair plan for that once the transformer is installed. He also pointed out that there is some sort of blown fuse still hiding somewhere that is causing a new transformer to fail, so I hope tomorrow doesn't become astronomically expensive. Please continue to cross your "repair fingers" for us as it is going to be another long, hot night!

Onto some actual Monkey news, I did get a chance to schedule a few things today. Aside from setting up our next few prenatal appointments, I was also able to schedule a Late Pregnancy class and a tour of where we will be delivering our little girl (at the Roseville Kaiser Labor and Delivery Center). That class is set up for the middle of October. We were also able to get into a Newborn Baby Care class AND a Breastfeeding class for November and December. I'm really looking forward to "going back to school" ... as that seems to be the theme for this time of year. I'm also excited in bringing your dad with me so he will be a little more prepared as to what to expect from me, from the process, and once you're born. I know he tends to respond well to research and informed decisions, so I think he will enjoy the class as much as I do. At least, that's what I hope...

On a side note, your Grandma King had her tooth pulled this afternoon, so she's a little under the weather. She might be home with me tomorrow if she doesn't feel better in the morning but I will be gone to babysit the Mullards around lunch time and like I mentioned before, hopefully the A/C repairman will be back tomorrow afternoon to finish the job he started today.

Just got done with a cold shower to try and cool off and now it's bed time. I had aimed at trying to get to bed at a reasonable time tonight, but again I was distracted and not tired at my normal time.

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