To Our Precious, Little Baby Girl...

The hope for this blog is that we get to share with our daughter-to-be, family, and friends what is going on in our lives as we start getting prepared for her BIG DAY and arrival outside of the belly! It'll be a no-holds-barred attempt at our new experiences, challenges, and day-to-day life while our little "bun in the oven" continues to bake. At some point, we hope this will be a loving story for you, little girl, to look back on and hopefully will also be entertaining and educational to read! We love you, little monkey, and are so blessed to have you growing stronger and stronger every day! Love, Mom and Dad

Thursday, December 2, 2010

"What Lies Behind Us And What Lies Before Us Are Tiny Matters Compared To What Lies Within Us."

~Ralph Waldo Emerson

Although I know Emerson was not talking literally about what lies within us, Peyton, I am sure you most definitely are the biggest thing in your dad's and my lives! All of our hopes and prayers are focused on you, you hold more potential than either of us can fathom right now, and we have so much love for you that continues to grow day by day! You truly are within us and our future! We are so excited to meet you!

Today Tony put the finishing touches on his secret Santa homemade gift so that I can send it out tomorrow. He also had the day off while I worked 8am-3pm. When I came home he made us an early dinner of sausages sauteed with mushrooms over brown rice...boy did that hit the spot. I ended the meal with a fresh batch of brownies. I don't know what it is, but these last few weeks I have craved dessert like nothing else! Tony and I hunted down a few gifts we still needed to buy for December (birthday-related, as our Christmas shopping is complete) and just enjoyed laughing and talking with Nikki for awhile tonight.

The boys and I had a good time around the house today just playing and cuddling. Poor J is still under the weather and has a nasty rash due to a few days of diarrhea so I'm hoping for his sake that he feels better soon! Today we are officially into the 36th week of the pregnancy and Peyton is still moving constantly and kicking up a storm...someone I think told me she's supposed to be slowing down now, but our little girl is trying to make up for all of those ultrasounds when she just laid there like a lump on a log!

Was going to do laundry today but I completely got distracted and now it's too late to start it, otherwise all the clothes will be wrinkly in the morning. I guess I know what ONE of the things I'll be doing tomorrow is...

Our maternity photos were supposed to be in at Babies 'R Us by today, but I called and the shipment had not arrived yet. Hopefully I will get a call tomorrow that I can come pick them up! I will be dropping Tony off at work tomorrow, 1. because it is going to rain and I don't have to work, and 2. because I'm already planning on running a bunch of errands so why would I make my husband ride his motorcycle in the rain? Tomorrow I need to go to the post office and mail out Tony's secret Santa gift, stop at the bank to deposit a check, fill up on gas, drop my husband off at work/pick him back up at some point, drive our friends to the airport in the afternoon so they don't have to leave their car at the airport, pick up our maternity photos (hopefully), have small group at 7pm tomorrow to discuss our daily readings, run laundry, and I'm sure some other things I have forgotten. At least I have the whole day to do these things!

Pulled all the garbages and recycling out to the curb today and Tony vacuumed. I put up on Facebook that people could start placing bets on when they thought I would deliver you, Monkey and despite my request (plee) for them to be nice, quite a few people still believe that you are going to make your debut AFTER your due date. I know, I know, you'll come when you're good and ready and when you're supposed to come, but ... if your mother could make one small request...I would love if you came in 2010! That's not too much to ask, huh?!? Think of it as your Christmas gift to your parents...just think about it, okay?

Alright, I suppose I'll let what is supposed to happen, happen and you can come whenever you're supposed to, dear girl. Today, my boss K gave me more goodies for you/us...she gave me some really cute maternity clothes, a baby book, the spare infant car seat I talked about on Tuesday, AND we even bought her baby gym (mat) from her. You are so lucky that your mom knows such fantastic people, as you benefit as well!

Your mama has waddled around enough for one day. It is time for your dad to finish his homework and for both of your parents to head to bed. Hope you have a good night too, darling! Love you so very much!

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