To Our Precious, Little Baby Girl...

The hope for this blog is that we get to share with our daughter-to-be, family, and friends what is going on in our lives as we start getting prepared for her BIG DAY and arrival outside of the belly! It'll be a no-holds-barred attempt at our new experiences, challenges, and day-to-day life while our little "bun in the oven" continues to bake. At some point, we hope this will be a loving story for you, little girl, to look back on and hopefully will also be entertaining and educational to read! We love you, little monkey, and are so blessed to have you growing stronger and stronger every day! Love, Mom and Dad

Thursday, December 23, 2010

"Is Not Amusement The Very Soul Of Life?"

~Frances Milton Trollope

Tony ended up driving himself to work on his motorcycle today because the weather forecast changed at some point in the night to saying that there was no rain expected today. After a night of countless trips to the bathroom, I was still a happy camper because I had slept heartburn-free...ahh, the simple pleasures in life!

This morning I stayed busy scrubbing the kitchen counters, fridge, stove, microwave, washing dishes, washing the floor, vacuuming the house, doing two loads of laundry and putting it away, making the bed, catching up on some organizing, emptying garbages, airing out the house because it was such a nice day out, and just a general picking up of items. Somewhere in the middle of all of that I had my prenatal appointment for the end of 38 weeks. After my customary requirement of peeing in a cup, I had my urine tested-slight traces of elevated protein but nothing to be concerned about as my blood pressure was normal (112/84) and my belly was measuring at 38" top to bottom (exactly what it should be). She then did a pelvic exam that determined that I was STILL NOT dilated but that my cervix WAS thinning out and that Peyton's head HAD descended into the lower part of the uterus (as she should be). We talked a little bit about foot swelling, an IUD in postpartum, about head size, and about induction. At this point, the doctor listened to Peyton's heartbeat (also very healthy) and felt around to determine that she's probably a seven-pounder right about now, but that she thinks Peyton will NOT be born in the next week...she then told me she'll probably gain another pound or two before she's born. This was nothing to be concerned about, as she is completely healthy and in the normal range, as am I...however, this is NOT what I was hoping to hear! We were hoping that I was very dilated and that Peyton's appearance happened to coincide with the 2010 which my doctor advised to not place any bets until at least 2011. Whatever is meant to be is meant to be and was clearly intended that way for Peyton's best interest and health, but it is NO secret that we have a preference. My doctor continued on to say that she's been wrong before, but based on my progress, she would assume that labor was at least a week off, if not TWO. (Insert pouty face here.)

After the appointment I was a little disappointed that meeting Peyton seemed to be further off than I had originally anticipated/hoped and so after sharing a recap of the doctor's visit with Anthony, I came home and made a chocolate shake to make myself feel better and got back to my cleaning and organizing.

I played many more rounds of Wheel of Fortune and am happy to say that I am now ranked #1 among my facebook friends. I made quite a few trips out to the mailbox today before our mailman finally delivered the mail at 4:30pm (he usually is there between 10am-11am). We got a few fun things in the mail: a Christmas card from my stepsister Chris, from our friends The Colemans, from a camp friend Noah, and from my step-Grandparents. I got another of our Christmas cards returned and this one I think I know the reason-I had mailed it to the address that my aunt and uncle are usually at in Florida at this time of year, but this year they decided not to go until January. I also got a bridal shower invitation for my friend Kate (held in Wisconsin) that I will unfortunately have to decline-especially because Peyton may be coming around that time. And, lastly, I also got a Christmas gift from my friend Kate-one of her totally amazing and awesome cat calendars that she makes/sells. If you want to check it out or purchase one, she sells them on her site and I've already filled mine out with all of the 2011 birthdays/anniversaries/and other various important dates. Kate makes her cat, A.C. the most amazing costumes and then designs a set for the theme and, voila, the entertainment follows wherever A.C. and Kate work together! She even has a blog that I follow that is linked on the bottom right of my blog, but you can also click here to access it. I love it and was HOPING that is what she got me for Christmas. I am a bad friend, as I still haven't sent out her Christmas gift yet. I better get on that, eh?!? Thank you, Ms. Funk! I LOVE it! What a nice surprise!

Tony had hid a card for me at some point in the last week or so and has been taunting me that SOMETHING was waiting to be found somewhere around the house. I honestly thought he had been yanking my chain and that he was just trying to get me to look around when, low-and-behold, I was moving the Christmas tree skirt while vacuuming today and saw a corner of an envelope sticking out from underneath the skirt. Ah, huh! I found it! It was a super cute and nice Christmas card from Tony. What a sweetie! I love my husband! He continues to make me happy every day! I think it's funny because there are so many times that we're reminded how right we are for each other and this was another one of those times-we had each gotten a Christmas card for each other, had put it under the tree, and both of our messages on our card was about wishing on a star and about how we were each other's wishes come true.

Chatted with Mom on the phone a little tonight, confirmed tomorrow's plans with the Thouatis---they are coming up sometime in the morning to make me breakfast so I can visit with the boys, and also confirmed that K, M, J, and M are coming at some point tomorrow. For dinner, we told Mikee that because it was her birthday, she got to pick the location...which she hasn't decided quite yet, but that is our plans once Tony is done with work tomorrow night.

Tonight, Nikki's friend Lance came over after dinner (I had a bowl of cereal around 7:30pm because I had been distracted and time had slipped away from me and Tony had heated up some chicken patties and made some chocolate chip cookies). It was nice to meet Nikki's best friend as I have heard about him since I met Tony, but had never met him because he is in the Navy up in Seattle and usually Nikki has gone to visit him, not the other way around. We laughed from the moment he got here until after 11pm when Tony and I excused our old buns for bed. It was nice to see someone who gives Nikki a run for her money AND has entertaining stories to share! What a fun night! What good company! Oh, and while I'm remembering, I found out tonight that Nikki's "man" from France will be visiting in January...but details aren't nailed down yet.

I entered the info for tonight's belly book entry, but forgot to get my picture taken (belly time) for posting it tonight (Tony is already asleep---pretty much as soon as his head hit the pillow tonight) and so I will have to do it in the morning before he leaves for work.

I think my stepsister Sara picked my name for the family Christmas exchange because she sent me an email today saying I should be on the lookout for a package. That can only mean one thing, in my mind. I'll keep you posted when it arrives! I watered our little mini Christmas tree and have felt Peyton moving non-stop all day today! Now it is time for bed, as I am thoroughly exhausted. I am sure I've probably forgotten something to write about, but I'm too tired to worry about it. Good night and I will catch up with the end of 38 weeks belly picture in the morning and post it as early as I can to stay as current as possible. Sweet dreams and please continue to send "early" labor prayers and thoughts our way as I'm still hoping that Peyton is born in 2010. Love you all, especially you little kicking monkey!!!

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