To Our Precious, Little Baby Girl...

The hope for this blog is that we get to share with our daughter-to-be, family, and friends what is going on in our lives as we start getting prepared for her BIG DAY and arrival outside of the belly! It'll be a no-holds-barred attempt at our new experiences, challenges, and day-to-day life while our little "bun in the oven" continues to bake. At some point, we hope this will be a loving story for you, little girl, to look back on and hopefully will also be entertaining and educational to read! We love you, little monkey, and are so blessed to have you growing stronger and stronger every day! Love, Mom and Dad

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

"A Happy Marriage Is A Long Conversation That Always Seems Too Short."

~Andre Maurois

Today was wonderful! A full night's sleep once the heartburn stopped around midnight. Woke up and felt rested and hungry. I made Tony some pancakes and then added some chocolate chips to mine (something that I always enjoyed because my dad made them that way for us as kids, but Tony never really got into). I drove Tony to work this morning, again, because I had the luxury of a schedule that would accommodate such a pleasure, and again, because the forecast said it was supposed to rain and storm until about 1pm today. I don't know why I am surprised, but the weather man was wrong, again, but it doesn't really matter as I am quite enjoying the ride to work with Tony, so that's fine. After dropping Tony off at work, I stopped at Walmart to pick up the premade pie crusts for Saturday's sweet potatoe pie that I had forgotten to get yesterday. While there, I also considered getting the Blue-Ray DVD of Inception for Tony, as he really wants it, but I refuse to pay full price for anything, so we will wait until it is a couple weeks from being released so that the price is more reasonable. Also, while I was there, I am still trying to find a stocking holder for Peyton to coordinate with our silver snowflake ones...right now, Tony's is just taped to the mantle. I know I won't find the exact one, but I'd like to find one that coordinates nicely. I would normally just go shopping the day after Christmas and get one that is reduced price, but I'm not sure where I'll be labor-wise or if I'll be in the mood to compete against the throng of post-holiday shoppers and lines in my pregnant state. We'll see...I found one a couple days ago with Nicole (while at Target) but again, it was full priced ($10) and you know my policy on getting a deal...(out of principle, of course).

Am sad to report that my stretch marks are getting epic in size. If you looked at my belly right now, you'd be surprised to know that there are 3 stretch marks on the underside of my belly (which is half-way decent because I can't see them and so can deny their existence when I'm not standing in front of a mirror) that very easily could be mistaken for the Grand Canyon. No kidding-I'm surprised Peyton just doesn't fall out of my belly at this very moment! It's super disgusting and I can only imagine what kind of strange voodoo I am going to have to perform to get rid of these specific marks...Hey, can someone get a tattoo of a stretch mark in flesh colors over the top of a stretch mark to help get rid of the scars...hmm...I'll have to look into that!!!

Played a couple of rounds of Wheel of Fortune this morning, stalked people on facebook, enjoyed a heartburn-free morning and afternoon, dropped off our monthly HOA dues at the club house, ordered the few  nursing tops I had talked about yesterday from Old Navy (they should be here by Monday), got some rather unhelpful facebook posts from my mom---rubbing in the fact that she thinks I am going to go OVER my due date with Peyton (not something I appreciate hearing at this stage), got a few comments about how yesterday's blog didn't get posted (which is now remedied if you click on the OLDER POSTS section at the bottom of today's post---apparently I saved the blog from yesterday but because I was so tired, I must not have taken the time to verify that I also clicked on the "publish" button as well...), wore the big paneled maternity pants for a second day in a row because they were so comfy, re-heated some pizza for lunch, worked with Mo Mo for about an hour and a half today while K took J to run a few errands, got a Christmas card from Nano, switched the turkey into the fridge so it could start thawing for Saturday's Christmas meal, had a few light sprinkles of rain for about 10 minutes at about 2pm today (the ONLY precipitation we received today despite the report on, and went to go pick up Tony early from work. Turns out there weren't a lot of installs or repairs on the schedule for today (most likely due to the holidays), so most of the guys got to leave around 3pm (which worked out to be perfect timing for me getting off of work and coming straight to pick him up). On the way to go pick Tony up, I talked with Dad on the phone and it turns out his towing story (regarding last night's accident) was more eventful than it should've been. Long story short, don't ever use Jim's Towing in Oshkosh, WI, as they broke the tow bar from the front of Dad's truck, somehow managed to smash in his windows in trying to pull the truck out of the ditch, never ended up getting his truck last night and claimed they couldn't find it this morning either and were just all around unhelpful. Poor Dad...what a pain to have to deal with that instead of being able to spend time with family who was visiting from out of town!!! The silver lining is that insurance will reimburse him for the towing and that no one else was involved in the accident!

Got home and chatted with Mom on the phone and gave her a hard time for giving me a hard time about Peyton's due date and gave her a hard time because I was excited about being in the single digit countdown until Peyton's due date and her being a party pooper about my excitement was just unacceptable. Tony and I made some really good chicken and noodle concoction for dinner tonight (the noodles were my comfort food recipe called "Rainbows" for those of you who have had me make it for them) and I played on the computer while he watched some anime this afternoon. Got a call from some of my favorite boys and hopefully the Thouatis will be able to visit me on Friday (the first full-time nanny kids I had worked with who now live in Wisconsin). I hope I get to see them while they are here in California!

Took a shower tonight, which despite that daily showers tend to over-dry my skin and make me itchy, the steam and running water feel so good on my pregnant back, scalp and sinuses! It's worth the it is keeping me feeling "fresh" even though that "fresh" is the last word I would use to describe my overly-pregnant self these days. Like yesterday, my feet were swollen pretty much all day...and it's getting harder and harder to bend my matter how much I try to elevate them whenever possible. Oh well, at least they'll go back to normal soon.

This morning, Tony confirmed that he has 62 hours of vacation/sick time for when Peyton's born AND confirmed that he got his Hawaii vacation time now, of course, he's even more excited for Peyton to arrive because it ALSO means a break from work. With the lack of sleep we'll most likely be getting, he may welcome work after a few sleepless nights...we'll see...I think he's under the impression it'll be a vacation and "smooth sailing" and daily naps of splendor for that week and a half that he's home with us...he'll learn soon enough, but I know he'll enjoy getting to know his daughter in the process... :)

K recommended finding some cute "shoe" socks for Peyton at Trumpet's in the downtown pavillion shopping center...we'll have to check it out. Yay, the kitchen is STILL clean...feels so much better walking into a house where dishes aren't piled up all over. We're having some issues with our refrigerator not staying latched...part of which we believe is a seal problem, and part of which has been a constant issue due to the freezer door and refrigerator door closing and popping the other door open...I think that replacing our refrigerator will be one of our bigger purchases in the near future...not fun, but it will most likely need to be done sooner than later.

So, yesterday I commented about one of Nikki's cats. Today I have to say that Tigger (a tabby orange colored 18 year old cat and the second of Nikki's cat who is living with us) looks thinner today and was perched under tree all day in a really lazy and odd position...he's getting so old and today he really looked it. He seemed to be a little out of it and just appears to be getting thinner and more "lost" when he looks at you. Poor 'ole man...

Now I'm listening to "Brown Eyed Girl" on youtube while typing this blog and I believe I am ready to flip on a movie and go to bed. I offered to take Tony to work again tomorrow, being that the only thing I HAVE to do tomorrow is have my prenatal appointment in the morning and then doing a whole lot of nothing for the rest of the day. I'm coming to enjoy these moments Tony and I have in the car to just talk about nothing and have him all to myself. I know that just around the corner, we'll have a daughter who will consume all of our attention, so I'm trying to soak up these last few moments of "the two of us" while I still can!

G'night! Today we officially transitioned into the single digit countdown to Peyton's due date...hopefully we won't have to start counting in the other direction...come on, can do it! Come this year, PLEASE?!?

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