To Our Precious, Little Baby Girl...

The hope for this blog is that we get to share with our daughter-to-be, family, and friends what is going on in our lives as we start getting prepared for her BIG DAY and arrival outside of the belly! It'll be a no-holds-barred attempt at our new experiences, challenges, and day-to-day life while our little "bun in the oven" continues to bake. At some point, we hope this will be a loving story for you, little girl, to look back on and hopefully will also be entertaining and educational to read! We love you, little monkey, and are so blessed to have you growing stronger and stronger every day! Love, Mom and Dad

Saturday, November 27, 2010

"Each Person’s Life Is Lived As A Series Of Conversations."

~Deborah Tannen

I dearly enjoyed my day-long conversation with Nicole today! Started the day out with being wide awake at 3:30am when I disappointingly realized that there is very little to stalk on Facebook at that time of the night as I've already seen what they posted the previous day before I went to bed, and they've clearly not started their day yet to give me anything new to stalk. I then crawled in bed, cuddled my cold feet up to my husbands, rubbed his arm and very sweetly (but loud enough to wake him) asked if he was awake. To which he nicely asked "are you sick" and promptly fell back asleep after I answered that I was NOT sick, I just couldn't sleep. At about 5am I seduced him out of bed with an egg sandwich on a toasted sandwich thin with sausages-the smell leading him to get up and entertain his bored and wide awake pregnant wife. I do still have SOME tricks...

Dropped Tony off at work, even though he DOES have his motorcycle back. The forecast for the day was dreary, cold (by California standards-in the 60s), and wet and it was already raining outside. With him being sick yesterday and me not having to work I easily volunteered to drive him to work in my warm, dry car. To which of course, Tony put up no protest. After I dropped him off at work at 7:30am, I went to Walmart to try and get his watch repaired and to get a few other items that one cannot find at Costco (or that one does not want a Costco amount of said item). Unhelped in the watch aspect of my errands, I was able to get everything else I had been hoping to get. I dropped all the items off at home and then headed to Nicole's. We chatted there for awhile.

Next we headed to Costco where we each completed our grocery shopping-quite possibly the last set of groceries I will be buying baby-less as we only go once a month. We dropped both of our goodies off at our respective houses, unpacked, and nibbled on some food. Next we headed more towards downtown where I could get Tony's watch repaired (one of the pins in his wristband had come out and needed to be replaced) and where we tried to spend Nicole's in-store credit at William Glenn. Not an easy task as everything was overpriced and gaudy. After completing those errands, we headed over to Nicole's friend Melissa V.'s apartment in Natomas. I had met her on a couple other occasions and enjoyed her company so was happy to go with Nicole on this errand. Melissa lives in a nice apartment with her 8 year old son, Tristan (I LOVE that name) and was having her family over for the Thanksgiving holidays. We visited for a few hours, shared stories about husbands, family, kids, living in California, etc. It was entertaining and a good afternoon.

When Tony texted saying he was ready to be picked up from work, we headed out. Picked Tony up from work, dropped Nicole off at home, and headed home ourselves to make some dinner. We tried a new way of using leftover turkey from Thursday-shredded and battered in oil and served it with greens over some brown rice. Surprisingly tasty although it didn't look that good. I chatted with dad on Skype while Tony played some computer games. Now I am typing the blog while Tony finishes up his school online quiz and homework that is due tonight.

Tomorrow I teach Sunday school. I'm excited to meet some of the youth at church as I usually don't get to see them because I attend the service while they are at children's church and so our paths don't usually cross.
It was nice to spend the day with Nicole and catch up with her. I was lucky enough to only have 2 or 3 episodes of heartburn today (knock on wood) instead of it being all day like the last few days!

Gotta start planning out our Christmas decorating-perhaps I will have Tony pull stuff down tomorrow while he's got the day off so that I can work on it throughout the week. If any of you have kids, this is an awesome (and convincing) website to send them a video email from Santa that is personalized. Definitely check it out!

Alright, I need to hop in the shower and get to bed at a reasonable hour because there's some serious lack of sleep I need to make up for if I'm going to teach 15 little people about serving others in the morning. Hope you all are enjoying your long holiday weekend and staying warm and healthy.

Night, Night...

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