To Our Precious, Little Baby Girl...

The hope for this blog is that we get to share with our daughter-to-be, family, and friends what is going on in our lives as we start getting prepared for her BIG DAY and arrival outside of the belly! It'll be a no-holds-barred attempt at our new experiences, challenges, and day-to-day life while our little "bun in the oven" continues to bake. At some point, we hope this will be a loving story for you, little girl, to look back on and hopefully will also be entertaining and educational to read! We love you, little monkey, and are so blessed to have you growing stronger and stronger every day! Love, Mom and Dad

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

"Each Day Offers Us The Gift Of Being A Special Occasion If We Can Simply Learn That As Well As Giving, It Is Blessed To Receive With Grace And A Grateful Heart."

~Sarah Ben Brethnach

What a difference an hour makes...I was driving to work in what seemed like a blinding light this morning and it seems to get dark so early now...strange how fast that changes things with daylight savings!

It was a rather rough morning for M this morning, as his cold is preventing him from breathing comfortably (what, with the runny nose, coughs and constant sneezing) so he was inconsolable and uncomfortable. Poor guy. It affected his ability to nap and to eat his normal amount as I imagine trying to do that while having a hard time breathing is completely understandable...

Luckily, J was awesome at playing with his toys this morning while I was trying to make M happy. These boys are both so amazing! I am so lucky to have them and no matter how difficult some days seem over others, nothing makes me love them more and I am reminded of this while I watch them sleep. No, not in a creepy way, but just in the fact that while sleeping, they have such innocence, such promise, and they make me smile with pride. I can't wait for that feeling while looking at you, Ms. Peyton! I imagine it'll be like this feeling only 1,000 times stronger!

As usual, Monkey stayed active all day! My back seems to be outta wack-no matter what it seems like I can't find a comfortable position but at least it's not excruciating pain! Also, as much as I would never have thought that me of all people would be the one to admit this, but my feet were kinda chilly today-it was a high of 61 degrees today and usually I would wear flip flops year round in Wisconsin, so I am going to blame the pregnancy on this strange sensation. Speaking of Wisconsin, I am missing it so much I added "30 Point Buck" by Da Yuppers to my playlist today. Watched last night's Glee and LOVED the Warbler's version of Katie Perry's "Teenage Dream" so I also added that to my playlist!

It was Kristen's birthday today, so I sent her on a treasure hunt that led her to find her local mall in Newport News and had her pick up a Great American Cookie cake there that we had ordered her AND directed her to the Walmart where she had to find a nearby business called Body Shoppe Spa where I had booked her a manicure. I think she enjoyed her clues, her mini tour of the city, and being pampered. It was fun getting texts from her this morning while she was completing her mission! Hope she had a good birthday!

M had a doctor's appointment today so we met K at the hospital and J and I had a little time to cuddle at home alone. Still got off at relatively the same time as I usually do and headed home. Discovered we didn't get any mail today-odd. Plus, tomorrow is Veteran's Day AND Mary's (stepmom's) birthday, so we won't be getting any mail tomorrow, either. Tony made some yummy, tender chicken with sauteed peppers and brown rice for dinner tonight when he got home...late again, poor guy. He also found out that he does NOT have off on Sunday, like he originally had thought AND that starting tomorrow he is back to an 8am start (instead of the imposed 7:30am which meant a guaranteed half hour of overtime every day). It's neither here nor there because we enjoyed the overtime financially, but I'm sure he won't be disappointed to start a little later.

Booked our pregnancy pictures for next Saturday after our dentist appointments...excited and also hoping that they offer air brushing for a nominal fee-as I don't desire to remember the stretch marks. We booked it at the local Babies 'R Us for Tony and I. I think this will be a worthwhile investment!

Enjoyed some fresh made (in a kettle and everything-I know you're impressed) popcorn and chocolate milk. My fabulously ingenious pregnancy concoction because it combats my desire for salty and sweet all in one tiny, semi-healthy snack! Today marks the end of week 32 of the pregnancy which means you will be getting another weekly belly updated picture with tomorrow's blog, along with commentary about my increasing waste size. Tomorrow should be fun! Have the day off. Will be doing a bit of shopping for Christmas with Nicole and Meghan and eating lunch at Fresh Choice (salad bar-a pregnant girl's best friend), have our monthly prenatal appointment tomorrow afternoon, and then will be cleaning the rest of the day and writing in the belly book to end out the evening. I need to clean because the baby shower is on Saturday and I'd like for people attending to believe that not only am I still the same neurotic organizer they all know and love, but I want them to be under the impression that my house is also CLEAN. As any good organizer will tell you, clean and organized are a horse of a different color! Either way, I will attempt to make our house be AS clean as it is organized :). No small feat.

Took out my contacts-as my eyes felt exceptionally dry today, and am ready for bed and perhaps a few Tylenol to calm my back so that I can fall asleep comfortably. Oh, and to add to my pregnancy stories...last night was a testament to the stories pregnant women tell you about their vivid and strange dreams. Last night, I was awakened about a dozen times while having the same recurring dream-I was a miner in Chile and was trapped down just like the miners in the news this last summer/fall. Only in this, it was an elaborate and modern mine with a couple of life's comforts underground, but because I am so claustrophobic, it was still really hard for me. And then I'd wake up and fall back asleep to more of the same. How strange is that?!?

Okay, time to put me to bed! Tony's been working on his paper due for his online class and I feel like it's a good time for him to call 'er quits, too. I will try and convince him to come cuddle with me. Good night! Thank you Peyton for completing your kick chart homework while Mom typed her blog, now she's ready to fall asleep! Love you, princess!

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