To Our Precious, Little Baby Girl...

The hope for this blog is that we get to share with our daughter-to-be, family, and friends what is going on in our lives as we start getting prepared for her BIG DAY and arrival outside of the belly! It'll be a no-holds-barred attempt at our new experiences, challenges, and day-to-day life while our little "bun in the oven" continues to bake. At some point, we hope this will be a loving story for you, little girl, to look back on and hopefully will also be entertaining and educational to read! We love you, little monkey, and are so blessed to have you growing stronger and stronger every day! Love, Mom and Dad

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

"Happiness Comes Of The Capacity To Feel Deeply, To Enjoy Simply, To Think Freely, To Risk Life, To Be Needed."

~Storm Jameson

Had an early start to the morning with the daily call of the porcelain throne. Completed my daily online stalking after that, and then was off to see the cutest little men I know. Unfortunately Mr. J had a Dr.'s appointment with his mom, but I still was able to spend the morning with the younger, but not much smaller, Mr. M. My favorite part of the day was doing floor gym time with him for about an hour and he just giggled and smiled...and tooted a lot, but he was having so much fun! I dropped off the birthday president for Mrs. K and wished her a happy and love-filled birthday on Sunday. Next I drove by the Elk Grove scrapbooking store, unfortunately they just announced that they will be closing their doors. Now I'll need to find a new scrapbooking place I love...I'm so sad that the economy is continuing to hit entrepreneurs. I made my opinion known regarding our bulk cable service provider being part of our HOA dues when I dropped off a comment card at our neighborhood club house and took down all of the remaining yard sale signs I could find on the way home from babysitting.

After a brief nap to relax my stomach (it hadn't been feeling good since lunch time) I chatted with Mikee about a possible apartment in Folsom for her and scheduled a walk through on Friday. Out of lack of anything better to eat, I resorted to the tried and trusted sausages, veggies, and rice for dinner. Unfortunately, Tony didn't get home from work until 7:30pm (sad face) and had to help his mom immediately with some computer/TV issues she's having. He took a brief break for a quick shower (it was a hot one today-94 degrees and totally sunny) but I don't think he's even had dinner yet. Poor guy. I hope that his work situation (scheduling, days off, and contentment in his job) changes for the better this fall...I feel for this guy who just is so unhappy with the whole job.

Got to quickly chat with Mom, Dad, and Logan today. It appears that Hurricane Earl will miss Logan sometime tomorrow (YAY!!!) and Megan will make her appearance in South Carolina sometime tomorrow afternoon. I know that will make my little brother have his fiance closer to him after being apart for the last nine months and I know he'll be even happier that he has the Labor Day weekend off to spend time with her! I know how much having the love of your life in your arms can put a smile in your face and heart!

I'm gonna hit the hay. Tomorrow's a new day and I am excited to take a little walk/bike ride and sit around the pool with a good book. Tomorrow is also the end of week 22 (monkey-wise) according to the initial timeline I was given. A new picture of the belly will be added tomorrow...I know I'm bigger and growing bigger by the minute. I truly feel like I'm wearing a basketball around the belly button area. All our love, baby girl!

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